On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for declaration of War against Germany. On April 6 that declaration was passed and American entered the Great War. The World War I Centennial period begins the week of April 2, 2017 with a series of events around Texas. Details available on our events calendar at https://www.texasworldwar1centennial.org/calander/2017-04-06/. Here are the highlights.
April 5. Texas Senate & House Resolutions Recognizing the WWI Centennial (Austin). The Texas legislature will pass separate resolutions recognizing the start of the World War I Centennial Commemoration period on the morning of April 5, 2017 on the floor of the Texas Senate and Texas House of Representatives. The Senate Resolution will be sponsored by Senator Donna Campbell. The House Resolution will be co-sponsored by Representatives Rick Miller and Lyle Larson. Legislation will likely come to the floor in both chambers between 10am and noon. Visitors may observer from the gallery on a space available basis.
Those not able to attend in person can observe the proceedings remotely. For the Senate at http://www.senate.texas.gov/av-live.php). Scroll down and select the box that reads “Senate of the 85th Legislature” and press the play button. The play button will only be available when the Senate floor is actually live. For the house at http://www.house.state.tx.us/video-audio/. View “85th Legislative Session,” which is the selection that broadcasts the House floor. Click the text that says “In Progress – View Event” in the 85th Legislative Session row. This link will only be available when the House is actually in session.
April 6. Texas Historical Commission (THC) Centennial Commemoration at the State Capitol (Austin). The Texas Historical Commission (THC) will host a public WWI Centennial commemoration ceremony on the South steps of the Capitol. The event will feature guest speakers, WWI re-enactors, the 36th Division Band, and WWI artifacts.
April 6. Texans Take to the Trenches: The Lone Star State and the Great War. Texas State Library & Archives exhibit opening (Austin). The Texas State Library and Archives Commission marks the 100th Anniversary of the “Great War,” with its latest exhibit: “Texans Take to the Trenches.” The collection of photographs, documents, and dispatches commemorate the Texans who responded to Uncle Sam’s “I Want You” rally cry and showcases the individual experiences of Texans dealing with the war both at home and abroad. The public is invited to an evening at TSLAC featuring the reading of messages and stories from soldiers and their families. The event takes place from 7 – 9 pm on April 6, 2017, the Centennial date of the U.S. entry into WWI. From the collection of the Texas State Archives, these intimate letters paint a portrait of the struggles faced by both civilians and soldiers as the world went to war. More at https://www.tsl.texas.gov/lobbyexhibits/ww1.
April 6. Texas A&M Flag Transfer Ceremony (Texas State Library & Archives. Austin. 10am). Over 2,200 Texas A&M University students answered the call to serve in World War 1, more than any other American college. To commemorate their service and honor the 55 fallen soldiers who did not return home, a flag was created. For many years the flag was displayed at the Capitol and then preserved in the Texas State Archives. On April 6, 2017, the Centennial Anniversary of US entrance into World War I, as the Texas State Library and Archives Commission transfers the service flag to Texas A&M University officials at 10 A.M. at the Lorenzo de Zavala State Archives and Library building (1201 Brazos Street, on the east side of the Capitol). Visit https://www.tsl.texas.gov/flag_transfer for additional information.
April 6. Texas in the First World War. Institute of Texan Cultures exhibit opening (San Antonio). San Antonio’s ITC exhibit focusing on the impact of the Great War on Texas culture and communities opens April 6 and will run through March 11, 2018. More at http://www.texancultures.com/texas_in_the_first_world_war/.
April 6. America in the First World War. Frontiers of Flight Museum exhibit opening (Dallas). The exhibit will feature numerous original artifacts as well as large-scale models of significant aircraft, both with and without their fabric covering. The exhibit will also display reproductions of dress uniforms from three iconic aviators during the war. This special exhibit dovetails with the Centennial Celebration of Love Field, which was established as an Army flight training base in October 1917. April 6, 2017 through 2018. More at http://www.flightmuseum.com/america-in-the-first-world-war/.
April 6. World War I Commemoration. Museum of International Cultures special event (Duncanville). Events will include a children’s story reading of RAGGS, A WORLD WAR 1 DOG. A World War 1 movie will be shown at 2 p.m. More at http://www.internationalmuseumofcultures.org/events/world-war-i-commemoration/
April 6. Ike in World War I. Eisenhower Birthplace State Historic Site exhibit opening (Dennison). Special exhibit focused on President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s service in the Great War. See their web site for details http://www.thc.texas.gov/historic-sites%E2%80%8B/eisenhower-birthplace-state-historic-site.
April 6. World War I Commemoration Wreath Laying. National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (Anderson). The WORLD WAR I Monument Memorial Site will be dedicated at the Historic Anderson Park in Anderson, by the Robert Raines Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. The Memorial planned is to honor the Grimes County World War I soldiers at 1:00pm. More information here.
April 6. Patriot Guard Riders Honor 100th Anniversary of U.S. Entering WWI. Dallas-Fort Worth. National Cemetery and the North Texas Patriot Guard Riders. Patriot Riders motorcyclist will form up at the Dallas-Fort Worth National Cemetery Assembly Area at 11am. Contact Larry Williams, Cemetery Director for more information at 214-467-3374.
April 7. Over There: America in WWI. Museum of the American GI exhibit opening (College Station). The Museum of the American G.I. in College Station is proud to present its upcoming exhibit, Over There: America in WWI, a centennial commemoration of America’s role in the Great War opening on April 7, 2017. The exhibit will explore American life before the war, its build up as the US recruited and equipped its soldiers, the efforts to fund the war effort through bonds, frugality on the home front, and life for the men and women who served “over there.” The exhibit will feature original posters, uniforms, restored trucks, and the only operational FT-17 Renault tank in North America. The museum will host special events to highlight the machines of World War I and the men who operated them. See more on this exhibit at http://americangimuseum.org/exhibits/over-there-america-in-wwi/.
April 8. Cowboys to Doughboy: Texas Enters the Great War. North Texas WWI Centennial Commemoration Group event (Fort Worth). This event will commemorate the entry of the US into the First World War and offer an preview of a fourth month exhibit that will preview in July. The program will include, period jazz music, living history soldiers, County and City proclamations and other activities. https://www.northtexasworldwar1centennial.org/events/
April 9. World War I Centennial Commemoration. Ceremony with songs and readings (Southlake). The Southlake Historical Society is sponsoring a World War I Centennial Commemoration from 1:30-2:30 p.m., Sunday, April 9, at the gazebo in Southlake Town Square. Featured will be a reading of letters sent home to Texas in 1917-18 by a cowboy turned doughboy and letters of a UT student who trained with the Royal Air Force and became a flying ace. Reading the letters. A trio specializing in patriotic songs, The Sorta Sisters, will sing such favorites as “Over There,” “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” and “K-K-K Katy.” They’ll also lead an audience sing-along. World War I soldiers’ sons, daughters and other family members in the audience will be recognized. There also will be a flag ceremony and a mayor’s proclamation. Everyone will receive a Buddy Poppy.