The 84th Texas Legislature is underway and is scheduled to conclude on May 29. Please CALL OR EMAIL YOUR STATE LEGISLATORS asking for their support. For email, simply cut and paste the message below.
The Texas WWI Centennial team has come a long way in the last 18 months. Many organizations and individuals have started commemoration activities or are planning for events during the 2017-2019 Centennial period. Because the Texas legislature meets only every other year, we need your help now.
- Find your State Representative here (click on senate tab for your state senator)
- Please cc
- You can also find a copy of the email below on our Google Drives shared drive (see References & Resources folder, State Legislator Email document)
Representative ___________ or Senator ______________:
I am writing to ask for you to support the Texas World War I Centennial Commemoration. The Texas WWI Centennial is part of the National U.S. World War I Centennial Commission effort, established by the World War One Centennial Commission Act (part of Public Law 112-272 passed by the 112th Congress and signed on January 16, 2013). The commemoration period will begin in April 2017 and continue through June 2019 (U.S. entry in the war through signing of the Treaty of Versailles).
The mission of the Texas WWI Centennial Commemoration (TXWWICC) is to promote awareness of the role of Texas and Texans in the Great War, and to assist state, local and regional leaders to develop appropriate educational initiatives and commemoration activities. Volunteer outreach efforts over the last 18 months have grown the Centennial constituency to over 600 Texas organizations and individuals. Stake holders include museums, civic and veteran organizations, historical sites, academic institutions, military bases, etc.
In January 2016 Governor Abbott appointed the Texas Historical Commission as the lead state agency. In addition to THC, several other agencies have a natural interest in the Centennial (Texas Parks & Wildlife, Texas Veterans Commission, Texas State Library & Archives, etc.). I want to specifically ask you to communicate your interest in the Texas WWI Centennial to the Texas Historical Commission and other State Agencies to encourage Centennial Commemoration activities over the next two years. Please ask them to provide resources and priority to the Centennial commensurate with the sacrifice of the 5,171 Texans who died in the service of their country.
I appreciate your response and any questions you may have about the WWI Centennial initiative. TXWWICC leaders are working with the legislature to pass a Resolution recognizing the start of the WWI Centennial period on April 5, 2017. THC is also organizing a commemoration event at the Capital on that date. More information on the TXWWICC is available at or on Facebook at CENTENNIAL.